School News

Sixth Class Work To Complete

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Here is a list of work for Sixth Class to continue working on during the directed school closure from the Department of Education and Skills. While this work is optional, it is has been set to assist your child in keeping up to date with their academic work. Please keep an eye on the school website for up to date information from the school. We are providing our email addresses in case you have any questions regarding the work set for the girls. It is also possible for the girls to type some of the assigned work into a word document and to email it to us for correction. If they don’t have access to a laptop or computer, they can continue to work in their copies. If it’s possible, they can take pictures of their work and email it to their teacher. We are missing the girls very much but hopefully we will all be back together again very soon. Take care!

Keep safe and look after yourselves,

Kind regards,

Clare Norton ( )  

Máire Kenny (

Recommended list of work

Daily Reading of Novel (30minutes)

  • The girls have brought their novel home with them. They should read for at least 30 minutes each day and continue to work on the book review sheets which we sent home with them.

Written work: In copy

  • The girls should write sentences using the relevant spellings from their ‘Tables and Spellings’ book. Choose 4 words each day and write a sentence for each one in their copy. Please continue to learn these spellings. Please write synonyms for these words e.g: demolish- knock down, destroy.
  • Read At Home: Read one per day and answer the questions in your copy. We will post the answers up at the end of each week.

Mental Maths (One per day)

  • Please attempt all questions. Circle any difficult ones. We will post the answers up at the end of each week.

Map Work

  • Continue to work on your map work which we sent home with you last week. You can take pictures and email these on or scan them in an email to your teacher once you have completed them.

Project WWII

  • Please look at additional guidelines sheet which we have attached on the school website.
  • The project is optional. We began learning about WWII last week. This project can be completed on paper, in a scrapbook or in another format if your daughter prefers: i.e. PowerPoint, Comic etc. Spend some time researching the topic and draft a plan before you begin.
  • You can take pictures and email the pictures of your project to us. If you have created PowerPoint or anything on your computer that can be emailed too.


  • Try to keep up with artwork at home each day if possible.
  • Use YouTube- Look up “How to draw for kids”. Pick one video of your choice and follow the steps provided. Colour them in after using markers, crayons, colouring pencils or paints. Feel free to email us pictures of your completed artwork. We would love to see them!

Other educational activities to consider

  • We have set up EPIC! Ebooks: Free ebooks for the class on lots of topics. We have assigned reading tasks online and will be creating quizzes to match the required reading. Please complete any questions you find on the assigned reading. You can complete this in your copy. You must type into Google  The code for Ms. Norton’s Class is aly2740 . The code for Ms. Kenny’s class is exa3376 . Once each child does this, all they have to do is click their name and begin work!
  • Tumble Books- . Our login code number is D4000000561881
  • John Boyne Short Story Competition: Author of The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas has set up a 300-word limit short story competition. We would love to see you enter this and would be delighted to correct your draft of this if you send it onto us. There are prizes to be won. Competition ends Wednesday 25th of March so get writing! You can read more about it here:
  • Board games
  • Puzzles
  • Reading
  • Educational websites
  • Artwork and crafts
  • Gardening
  • Cooking/Baking- Let us know if you want some recipes!
  • Free writing