Physical Activity

European Sports Day 2024

We celebrated European Sports Day on 27th September 2024. There were several stations set up in the school hall for the children to enjoy. They played table tennis, corn hole, giant games and enjoyed an obstacle course race. A great day was had by all! Check out the collage below!

Sports Day 2024

We had a fantastic day on Tuesday 18th June celebrating Sports Day. We had eleven different stations for the children to enjoy throughout the day. Special thanks to Kilnamanagh AFC, Basketball Ireland and Glen Daly Fitness for providing some of the fun on the day! Check out the video below to see all the fun we had.

Run Around Europe Challenge 2024

The girls are thoroughly enjoying the Run Around Europe challenge this year. So far we have made it to Berlin, Paris and Madrid! Watch this space to see where we get to next!!

Santa Dash!!

The girls at St. Kevin’s G.N.S. enjoyed a Santa dash in December around the local community. The girls even took the active walkway up to the post office to send their letters off to Santa in time for Christmas! A great way to keep active while also getting into the festive spirit!!

Hallowe’en Fun 2023

Our school participated in lots of fun Hallowe’en activities this October including; witch hat ring toss, spider ring toss, spooky twister and the eye ball and spoon race! A great time was had by all. Check out the pictures below.

Our Active School Committee

Our Active School Committee is made up of two girls from every class within the school. The girls have ‘Active School’ badges which they wear with pride. Our committee members are trained to lead active lines in the yard. They attend several meetings throughout the year and take down the minutes of meetings in their committee notebooks. We are so proud of their commitment and engagement with the ASF. Well done girls!!

European School Sports Day – Friday 24th September 2021:

In St. Kevin’s we marked ESSD in a variety of ways. We started the day off with a whole school dance session on the yard. Classes also took part in either GAA or football. At the end of the day, the girls got a well deserved ice pop as a Friday treat! Thanks to all involved in making the day so energetic and active!

Have a look at our lovely new yard markings! These will form part of our Active Walkway!

St. Kevin’s is an Active School!

Have a look at our video!

Active Walkway:

The Active Walkway is a route around the grounds of our school that is used daily by classes in St. Kevin’s. It is used for outdoor movement breaks, for a fast paced run, a jog, a walk and chat or for some walk and move activities. There are signposts marked along the route. At these points, classes get active by doing Jumping Jacks, side to side jumps, lunges, burpees, number tennis etc.

Below is a photo of 6th Class at the star jump corner of our Active Walkway:

6th Class doing ‘crossovers’ on the Active Walkway:

Extending challenges along our Active Walkway:

All of our classes are really enjoying practising their throwing, running and jumping skills along our Active Walkway. Classes take turns using the equipment that is set up along the route. Have a look at our photos below:

Run Around Ireland Challenge:

4th Class have run 266km – from St Kevin’s to the Cliffs of Moher!  Wow, well done 4th Class! Here are some photos of the girls in action!

Active Yards:

In the school year 2019 – 2020, our playground leaders assisted the set up of active yards by doing the following:

  • Meeting in committees.
  • Relaying information.
  • Taking feedback from their classmates and adapting activities accordingly.
  • Organising equipment.
  • Mentoring younger students.

As part of our Active Yards we encourage all students to create their own games and to share their ideas with other classmates. These ideas were used as part of PE warm-ups.


A massive word of thanks to Pauline, one of our SNAs and Anthony, our caretaker, who rescued a set of goalposts with the blessings of the boys’ school. 6th class played their first game of soccer using the goalposts today. You will see a dramatic penalty saved in the photographs below. The boys’ school will be delighted to see the girls putting their goalposts to great use and you can’t have them back!

October 2021 – Senior Infants love our new yard markings!

Active Breaks:

In St. Kevin’s we do active breaks three times a day. These include dance breaks, activity breaks and running breaks. We use Bizzy Breaks, Go Noodle and our Active Walkway in particular. This year, 2021, a lot of our active breaks have taken place outdoors. As you will see from our photographs, we incorporated outdoor dance into this year’s active breaks and we ran around our Active Walkway.

Because we are concentrating on our Athletic strand this year, we made use of obstacle courses to encourage as much athletic activity as possible. All classes worked on different skills throughout the year and made great use of the video clips from the Move Well, Move Often to highlight the fundamental movement skills at all three levels.

School Tours:

School tours in the middle and senior classes involve sporting activities such as water sports, orienteering, zip lining and high wire obstacle courses as well as other adventure activities.

Active Learning at home:

Padlet accounts were used during the remote learning period to promote physical activity at home and to encourage healthy lifestyles. One of the Padlets is aimed at the junior end of the school and the second is for the middle and senior classes. The links for these Padlets are below:

Junior Padlet

Senior Padlet

Calendar of Active Events:

In St. Kevin’s we mark events such as Halloween, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter with physical activities. You will enjoy some of the videos which showcase events over the last two years.

Sports Day:

Every year we have our annual sports day in June which is well enjoyed by pupils, parents and staff alike. Every class from Junior Infants to Sixth Class rotate through a series of stations which promote activity in a variety of ways. Many of our partners help set up individual stations that provide taster sessions at appropriate levels of difficulty depending on the class age group. In previous years some of the stations included:

  • Dance
  • Boxing
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Karate
  • Yoga
  • Obstacle Races
  • Cricket
  • Soccer
  • GAA Skills
  • Games
  • Water Races
  • Climbing Inflatable Wall and Slide