School News

Second Class list of work

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Here is a list of work for Second Class during the directed school closure from the Department of Education and Skills. This is a recommended and optional list of work, set to assist your child in keeping up to date with their academic progress and daily educational structure. Please keep an eye on the school website and turn on notifications on the Aladdin Connect application for up to date information from the school. We will also post a recommended list of educational games and websites for Second Class on the school website under the Second Class tab tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in school at the end of March

Kind regards,

Ailbhe Forde & Laura McDonnell

Recommended list of work

Daily Reading (15minutes)

  • There are two Flying Start Readers in your daughter’s schoolbag. There is also a Panda/other reading book.

Written work: In spare copy

  • Spelling sentences
  • One set of Reading Tasks daily on a Flying Starts, Panda book or other book of choice (See sheet).
    • Monday: Reading Tasks 1
    • Tuesday Reading Tasks 2
    • Wednesday: Reading Tasks 3
    • Thursday: Reading Tasks 4

Mental Maths (One per day)


  • There is an optional simple project per week. This project can be completed on the A3 sheet provided or in another format if your daughter prefers: i.e. Scrapbook, PowerPoint, Comic
  • Project for Week One: A Country of choice: Geography, Facts, Food, Music etc…
  • Project: Week Two: An animal of choice: Habitat, diet, fun facts, pictures

Mindfulness Colouring book

Other educational activities to consider

  • EPIC! Ebooks : Free ebooks for the class on lots of topics. See page sent home about Epic! Books for details.
  • Board games
  • Puzzles
  • Reading
  • Educational websites
  • Artwork and crafts
  • Gardening
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Free writing