School News

School Debating Team

On the 26th of January 2017 the two 6th classes entered a debate. The topic was ‘food waste should be illegal’ our school was the proposition and Scoil Bhríde Caillíní were the oppositions. Orla Dunne, Amy Carruth and Laura Fitzpatrick were on our debate panel. Amy Carruth was our debate team captain. Marium, Karen and Noor were on the opposition’s team. Marium was the captain of the other team. Amy opened the debate by contrasting the situation of those who have more than enough to eat with those who suffer from hunger in Ireland. Orla discussed the implications of making food waste illegal. She explored practical ideas of how households and companies could make changes to their practices. Laura continued by exploring the benefits of outlawing food waste to the environment. It was a very good and interesting to hear other people’s points and views. The two judicators were Maeve, who is a member of our and Dáithí, who used to work in Blanchardstown. After the propositions and oppositions all spoke Dáithí and Maeve left the room to have a discussion. When they left the room, the two debate teams answered rebuttals and refutations. A little while later, Maeve and entered the room with the results. Dáithí told the two panels that they were all brilliant arguments and said that each person spoke beautifully but that there could only be one winner. Maeve said “And the winner is ……….. St.Kevins G.N.S. !”


The next debate was on the motion “There should be one hour of exercise in schools”. Amy Carruth was captain for this debate also. Orla Dunne kept her place as second speaker also.  Francesca Callenta was our third speaker. We were the opposing team. The proposing team was made up of Sacred Heart Sruleen. Molly was captain of the proposing team. Cian and Sharon were the two other readers for the proposing team. The chairperson was Bianca Amazou.